Click here for Shopping Advice
Rejuvi has a few distributors in the United States and many international distributors.
Online shopping provides convenience and accessibility for the consumers (end user) in areas where Rejuvi does not have a distributor.
If there is a Rejuvi distributor available in your area, please contact them directly. Please understand Rejuvi distributors may have a different pricing structure from Rejuvi Shopping online due to location, shipping and warehousing involved. Nevertheless, you may get convenient service, fast and lower shipping cost from your local Rejuvi distributors.
Rejuvi may forward your online order to a Rejuvi distributor taking care of your area (U.S.A only). As a courtesy, Rejuvi U.S. distributors may allow you to use the Rejuvi Shopping online price on a 'One Time Only" basis. All the subsequent orders must follow Rejuvi distributor's prices.
For California consumers 9.75% sales tax (rate from 2020 and subject to change by California state) must be applied. Shipping costs are extra. The amount depends upon your order weight and your geographical location. We use express airmail (EMS) for our international shipment and UPS ground for our U.S.A shipments, unless otherwise specified. If there is a good option, Rejuvi may contact you for your comments.
Since Rejuvi has so many personal care products, we have provided general guidelines and advice to make your purchases fit your needs. We highly recommend that you refer to our "shopping advice" section before proceeding with your order, unless you are familiar with Rejuvi products already.
The following is Rejuvi distributors' information and please contact directly to a compatible Rejuvi distributor because Rejuvi Laboratory can not sell Rejuvi product dircetly into a distributor's territories due to binding contract.
For U.S. retail customers, please click Click HERE to Shop Online and Rejuvi will have to forward your orders to Rejuvi U.S. Distributors for handling if you are located in Rejuvi U.S. Distributor's territories. Distributors in the United States of America
Southern California Point on Beauty LLC 760-282-4603
Sweden - A.T. Esthetic Zone Center Ltd. - https://m.facebook.com/RejuviSwedenOfficial Send E-mail: estheticzoneofficial@gmail.com
Greece - Professional Beauty Services - https://www.beautyservices.grbautyservices.gr
Turkey - Medikoz Estetik - medikoz.com.tr
Singapore - Eroma Marketing eroma.com.sg
South Africa - Veeway CC veeway.co.za
Mexico - Rejuvi de Mexico rejuvidemexico.com
Japan - CML Ltd. cml-i.com
Kuwait - Rejuvi Kuwait rejuvi-kw.com Send E-mail: safa@rejuvi-kw.com
Saudi Arabia - Kayan Al A¡¯amal Co. Send E-mail: lopezs@kayanalaamal.com
Netherlands - Hulscher Cosmetics rejuvi.nl
Poland - Rejuvi Cosmetics Teresa Maciejewska rejuvi.com.pl
United Kingdom - Consea Ltd. rejuvi.co.uk Tattoo Removal website: e-raze.com
Rejuvi Australia - Lipoderm Clinic Send E-mail: rejuvi@lipodermclinic.com
Rejuvi Bulgaria
Rejuvi Romania - ProDerma Ltd. proderma-eu.com
Rejuvi UAE
Rejuvi Iraq - ProDerma Ltd. Send E-mail: zaid@proderma-me.com
Suriname - Skin Beauty Instinute NV Send E-mail: skinbeautynv@hotmail.com
Hungary - Medist kft rejuvi.hu
Cyprus - CCI Karamallis Trading Ltd. Send E-mail: ccikaramallis@cytanet.com.cy
Russia - Tori Ltd. E-mail: rejuvirussia@gmail.com
Kazakhstan - Tatuazh.kz Company rejuvi.kz
Ukraine- Ukraine Cosmetic Group ucg.kiev.ua Send E-mail: office@ucg.kiev.ua
Lithuania - UAB Group rejuvi.lt
Latvia rejuvi.lv
Egypt - Multi Cast Group Send E-mail: ph_moussa@hotmail.com
Morocco - Distributorship Available !
Thailand - EMA Trading Co. Ltd. firemare22@yahoo.com
Brazil rejuvi.com.br Send E-mail: contato@rejuvi.com.br
France - www.rejuvi-co.fr Send E-mail: contact@rejuvi-co.fr
Spain - IVM Velencia Send E-mail: info@micropigmentacionvalencia.com
Israel - Sephora Cosmetics rejuvi.co.il Send E-mail: s.partouche@rejuvi.co.il
Germany - Distributorship Aavailable !
Lebanon - GRG Trading Sarl send E-mail: grgtradingsarl2014@gmail.com
Kosovo - A.T. Esthetic Zone Center Ltd. Send E-mail to estheticzone@mail.com
Finland - Luxury PMU Art. rejuvifinland.com Send E-mail: luxury.pmu.art@gmail.com
Norway - Microblading Academy Norway Send E-mail: post@microblading.no
Portugal - Leiliiane Cristina Instituto-Beleza UNIP, LDA. Send E-mail:rejuviportugal@gmal.com
Vietnam - Giang Huong PMU Send E-mail: gianghuongpmu@gmail.com
Colombia - Insumicro SAS Send E-mail: jmdelbrio@gmail.com
Argentina - Rejuvi Chile http://borrador-tatuajes-rejuvi.com/Mihan Khahan International Ltd. (Mr. Mosaiieby) E-mail: matheus_mat@hotmail.com
Alla Romazanova Studio. Send E-mail: darya.salauyeva@gmail.com
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